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Java Tutorial 2017 3.0
Welcome to the best educational tutorialaboutJava !You know that Java is the most popular programming language inttheworld.This course is the first step of Java Learning Series.Courseconcept designed with an academical perspective. Previouslyyoulearn theoretical lessons, then you practice learning inworkshops.Each chapter consists of a quiz.Probably the most important thing about this course is beingaliving course. You obtain this course for once and you are goingtomake better yourself via new sample projects forever.What are the requirements?1. You must be keen on learning and researching.What am I goingtoget from this course?2. Make a powerful introduction to Java.3. Learn Eclipse Java IDE4. Learn Data Types and Data Conversion5. Learn Operators and Decision Statements6. Learn Loop Statements7. Learn Array Type In Java8. Learn Methods and Create Your Custom Methods9. Learn String Type and String Methods10. Learn Mathematical Operations